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What is the Origin Point in 3D

Written by Hayden Falzon author image Hayden Falzon

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Reading time: 4 mins

In the realm of 3D modelling and computer graphics.

The "Origin Point" holds a crucial role as the reference and starting point for all objects within a 3D scene.

Understanding the origin point is fundamental to creating accurate and visually appealing 3D models.

In this article, we will delve into the concept of the origin point in 3D, its significance, and how it influences the positioning and transformations of objects in a 3D environment.

An example of an origin point as highlighted by the red circle An example of an origin point as highlighted by the red circle

So What is the Origin Point in 3D?

In simple terms, the origin point is a specific location within a 3D coordinate system that serves as the reference center for all other points in the scene.

It is denoted by the coordinates (0, 0, 0) in a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, where the X, Y, and Z axes intersect.

The positive directions of these axes extend outward from the origin.

The Significance of the Origin Point

The origin point plays a pivotal role in 3D modelling, animation, and rendering processes. Its significance can be understood through the following aspects:

  1. Object Positioning: In a 3D scene, each object's position is determined relative to the origin point. The distance along the X, Y, and Z axes from the origin defines an object's spatial coordinates, allowing precise placement within the scene.

  2. Transformations: When applying transformations (e.g., translation, rotation, scaling) to an object, the origin point serves as the anchor point for these operations. For instance, rotating an object at its origin results in a pivot-like effect.

  3. Parent-Child Relationships: The origin point of a parent object is the reference point for its child objects. Any transformations applied to the parent object are inherited by its children, resulting in hierarchical transformations.

  4. Bounding Boxes and Volume Calculations: The origin point plays a vital role in defining the bounding box, which encapsulates an object's dimensions. It is also essential in calculating an object's volume and determining its centre of mass.

Controller the Origin Point

In 3D modelling software like Blender, the origin point of an object can be manipulated to achieve specific outcomes:

  1. Setting the Origin Point: Artists can manually set the origin point to a desired location within an object. This feature is particularly useful when creating objects that require specific rotations or pivot points.
  2. Snapping to 3D Cursor: The 3D cursor in Blender can be used to set the origin point precisely. By snapping the 3D cursor to a specific location on the mesh, artists can align the origin point accordingly.
  3. Origin to Geometry: The "Origin to Geometry" tool in Blender allows artists to position the origin point at the center of an object's geometry. This is beneficial for symmetrical models and precise transformations. - This is especially important for physics simulations.

Best Practices for Origin Point Management

To ensure a smooth workflow and accurate 3D modelling, consider the following best practices regarding the origin point:

  1. Symmetry and Proportions: Position the origin point strategically to take advantage of symmetry and maintain balanced proportions in your models.
  2. Animation and Rigging: When rigging characters or objects for animation, place the origin point at appropriate joints to facilitate natural movements.
  3. Pivot Points: Set the origin point at pivotal locations for objects that require specific rotation or scaling behaviour.
  4. Origin Snapping: Use snapping tools to align the origin point accurately, especially when modelling precise structures or architectural elements.


The origin point is a fundamental concept in 3D modelling, serving as the reference centre for all objects in a scene.

Understanding its significance and mastering its manipulation are essential skills for any 3D artist. By strategically positioning the origin point, artists can achieve symmetrical designs, natural animations, and precise transformations.

Whether you're creating characters, architectural structures, or intricate environments, the origin point empowers you to bring your artistic vision to life with precision and accuracy in the fascinating world of 3D graphics.

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Hayden will tell everyone that he is not a programmer, game developer, educator, artist, 3D modeller or animator... instead, he tells people he is a storyteller.

Graduated from the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) Bachelor, Hayden has been proactive in fostering a multidisciplinary outlook on digital storytelling across all of its mediums.