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Tutoring Pricing Increase in 2024

Written by Hayden Falzon author image Hayden Falzon

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Reading time: 3 mins

For a very long time we offered very affordable live tutoring with a focus on Blender, but other creative practices too. Unfortunately, we have to raise our prices to be more in line.

What are the new prices?

While these numbers may change by the time you have read this article, right now we are looking at switching up our pricing to a half-hour system for more flexible bookings - A lot of students would at times book 1 hour lessons that would often times spill over by 30 minutes.

As such we will be offering Half Hours at 25Usd.

So full Hours will be 50 USD. So a rise of 15usd

Slot Tokens

Instead of purchasing the slots upfront we have developed a way for you to use slot tokens - tokens that can be bought ahead of time. This opens up opportunities of bulk discounts at checkout.

Bulk Discount?

Yes, there will be bulk discounts.

Here are the discounts:

  • If you purchase 6 slots there is a 5% discount - Save $7.5 USD
  • 12 Slots - 10% - Save $30 USD
  • 18 Slots - 15% - Save $67.5 USD

Will my Fiverr offer be staying up

As you may know, we conducted a lot of business mostly through Fiverr - For the time being this will still be the case, at least for a while longer. The prices will also be raised on the Fiverr offer too.

I am a regular customer

If you are a regular - please reach out via email to me or on Fiverr and receive a coupon or custom orders at the original price for the next few months.

I want this transition for you to be painless and as easy as possible, and this is the least that I can do to help with that.

Thank you so much!

I just want to take the time to thank every single one of you who have used this service in the 2 years it has been operational. It has had a lot of ups and downs and been quite the learning experience for me.

I would not have been able to have done it without you!

But I shouldn't celebrate just yet, while Polyfable V3 is released, more work has yet to be done. Including updated and new content. New learning modules... and a very secret project that I cannot wait to share with you all!

Thank you for everything and if you have any questions or concerns please shot me an email.


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Hayden will tell everyone that he is not a programmer, game developer, educator, artist, 3D modeller or animator... instead, he tells people he is a storyteller.

Graduated from the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) Bachelor, Hayden has been proactive in fostering a multidisciplinary outlook on digital storytelling across all of its mediums.