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Polyfable Releases Version 3

Written by Hayden Falzon author image Hayden Falzon

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Introducing Polyfable: A Seamless Blend of Learning and Storytelling

We're thrilled to unveil the all-new Polyfable, reimagined from the ground up to offer you an immersive blend of learning and storytelling like never before.

After months of dedicated effort, we're proud to introduce the distinct yet interconnected applications:

  • the Polyfable Learning Management System (LMS)
  • the Polyfable Blog
  • the Polyfable Admin

Crafting Narratives, Not Just Techniques

At Polyfable, we understand that storytelling is more than just mastering software or learning a set of technical skills. It's about crafting immersive narratives that captivate hearts and minds. That's why our courses and resources go beyond mere techniques, focusing on the artistry and soul of storytelling.

What Has Changed?

Courses, Levels, and Quests:

Our main content now revolves around Courses, Levels, and Quests. Quests are now available to provide a more interactive and engaging learning experience.

Live Tutoring:

We are excited to announce that live tutoring is now available directly through Polyfable. With a new system in place, we can offer live tutoring in a more efficient and effective manner.

Content Expansion:

We've been hard at work developing new content for the LMS. Stay tuned for the release of our upcoming course, which promises to elevate your storytelling skills to new heights.

Diversification: No longer limited to just Blender, we are expanding our offerings to include other software and game engines. This expansion is one of the reasons we changed our name earlier this year, reflecting our commitment to broader horizons.

Holistic Learning Experience

While other platforms may focus solely on technical instruction, Polyfable takes a holistic approach to learning. Our courses blend practical skills with theoretical knowledge, equipping you with the tools and insights needed to excel in the ever-evolving landscape of storytelling.

Polyfable v3: From PHP to NodeJS

Technically, the biggest change lies in the shift from our old WordPress monolith with a custom PHP backend and frontend to a NodeJS ecosystem.

This transition brings with it numerous benefits, including improved performance, scalability, and flexibility.

Moreover, the separation of the blog and the LMS into distinct applications means that updates to one component no longer affect the other. This separation allows us to streamline development, enhance stability, and provide a more seamless user experience across both platforms.

With Polyfable v3, we're not just upgrading our technology—we're transforming the way you learn and engage with storytelling.

Join us on this exciting journey, where the possibilities are endless, and the stories are waiting to be told.


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Hayden will tell everyone that he is not a programmer, game developer, educator, artist, 3D modeller or animator... instead, he tells people he is a storyteller.

Graduated from the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) Bachelor, Hayden has been proactive in fostering a multidisciplinary outlook on digital storytelling across all of its mediums.